Thursday 18 November 2010

Magazine Analysis

The magazine advertisment here of Jay-Z reflects the artist's power within the hip-hop scene. He is standing beside new york skyscrapers with the caption "Is Jay-Z bigger than hip-hop?" which emphasizes that his progress has become notable as a guru within the hip-hop scene. with this type of advertisement, his most recent album "blueprint 3", builds anticipation toward the audience as the project which sets him above the rest in the scene. the title of the album and the way he is portrayed here highlights that he may have the solution and perfect plan toward success in the music industry.

DigiPak Analysis - Feist

This digipak is from the artist "Feist". She is a female indie pop artist and the artwork on this didgipak reflects this very well. The intricate use of colours emphasize this thoroughly as though the artist may have a colourful personality. The use of sewing thread represents that she is a trend setter and works well with fashion regarding her music audience group and in general. as the album is called reminder, the artwork here emphasizes nostalgia and a journey. There is a "thought bubble" representing thoughts and memory and gives an insight to the sort of content the album would have. The artist has also used blacked out silhouette style images as though, the memories and connotations in regards to the reminders in the album aren't clear and she is over coming this through the use of the threads which act as safety nets and guidelines. The threads also possess a reference toward the question "how long is a piece of string" and this represents that because a piece of string cannot be measured due to its variation, thesame can be said for a person's emotions and memories. The threads are used on a diagram of the human body shape in different shapes and directions painting a vivid picture of the artist's train of thought as the chest area has a diamond style shape formed representing the key importance of the heart to the human body.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Viral Marketing: Testing The Projection.

We researched several videos regarding projections such as "Drake- Over" as we were determined to capture our vision to successful execution. We then made this comical video with a projection to determine if we could achieve this.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Video Draft 2

With this video, we decided that we needed a more urban edge which is why we decided to choose the setting based around graffiti. It was filmed By Marcus on the 550D Camera as [planned and Edited by Kojo on final cut pro, then looped so we could couple it with our main video as the projection video.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Survey Analysis

In order to gather a general view on our video I created a survey on the website of ten questions on the surveyors thoughts of the video. These ten questions were:
1. What was your view on the video?
2. Could you please explain why you think this?
3. Do you believe the video concept fits the genre?
4. If you could change something about the video, what would it be?
5. What do you prefer in a video?
6. Would you want to watch this video again?
7. If not, please tell me why.
8. Where could you see this video?
9. Do you think we should have had more actors in the video or more going on?
10. Any last words?

When I had gained a sufficient amount of replies from the public I was then able to collect them and analyse the replies to implement into the final music video.
In general, the video was very well received for a draft version, there were some negative views but they were backed up with reasons in order to help us create a much better viewing experience in the final video.
It was made clear that our video's progression was in the right direction however, it was not yet to every bodies tastes and they contributed their views to help us meet their expectations. With these results I have been able to create a breakdown of each question which I will go through.

Question 1.
For question one I asked what the general view of the video was, giving people five choices to choose from ranging from "Great!" to "Terrible!". A majority of the views were among the midpoint which was "Okay" with a small portion being split between "Great!" and "Good" this shows that the video was well received by the public.

Question 2.
For this questions we asked people to explain their views. Although the public generally liked the video, they did have complaints about the production quality, for example "Not in sync through the whole vid" this shows that the concept for the video was liked however, the quality of equipment and editing was not up to standard again.

Question 3.
I asked the public whether they believed the video fit in with the concept, to which the answer was unanimous: Yes.
This proves that the video fits perfectly within the genre and is appeasing to the public.

Question 4.
In this question I asked what people would like to change in the video. It appears that from the results that the viewers would have appreciated more variety in the video as they stated they would add more scenes or more people into it.

Question 5.
We asked the public whether they preferred Concept-Based videos, Narrative-Based videos or a mixture of both. A large majority answered Both and so we will take this knowledge into consideration when filming our final draft of the video.

Question 6.
I asked whether the public would want to watch this video again, generally the answer was Yes indicating that the video was enjoyable even for a first draft.

Question 7.
I asked the people who voted that they would not watch the video again whether they would give their reason as to why not, only one person answered saying "seen it once, seen it all". It would seem that this is that person's personal attitude and does not reflect on the actual video itself.

Question 8.
For this question I asked where the public could imagine seeing this video; a mainstream channel, an underground channel or the Internet. The vote was tied between a mainstream channel and the Internet which means the public believes that the video is good enough to be shown around the world on national television.

Question 9.
I asked the public whether we should have more going on in the video or not and the majority voted yes meaning that they may have thought that the video grew tedious.

Question 10.
For the final question we asked whether the public had anything else they would like to say that wasn't expressed in the other questions, most answered No however one person commented that Kojo fit the lead role well and that we should keep him in that position.

Overall, our video was well received by the public even managing to reach 2,900 views on YouTube. It would seem that the video only needs minor adjustments made to it in order to reach full completion but according to the public we are well on the way to reaching this.

Friday 12 November 2010

Samba Theory Look 3

To make our images look more professional, we decided to have a more professional style shoot for our actor. We kept conventions of both the first shoots. We kept the urban look but also retained the sophisticated look, with the smart-style cardigan with elbow pads and Red Bow Tie. We then coupled the bow tie with Red Supra trainers alongside Beats By Dre Headphones, which complement the overall look.

Evaluation of Planning.

The song we will be using is of the Hip Hop genre and so we decided to make a video that suited the characteristics of the genre but with changes as well. We plan to have our actor stand alone in the video performing to the song whilst using props and projected images to link to the lyrics, for example when the artist QuEST says

"Let these stars hit you till you fall and lose your balance like the "Roc boy"

We have decided our actor will hold his hands up over his left eye in the shape of a diamond to represent the Rocafella recording label. This is to create a direct intertextual reference for fans of Hip Hop to enjoy and recognise instantly.

Many Hip Hop videos focus largely on the performer and not the performance and so we will try to do this as well, although we have not neglected the performance.

Our actor will also have three costume changes for each verse, each one hopefully symbolising what the artist is trying to convey through his lyrics whilst also keeping our own twist on the video concept.
As the video progresses we hope to show that our performer is conscious about his image as he changes costume three times in order to stay looking "fresh" and on trend. We will also have a projector that we will use to place certain images on top of our actor to use as a form of props for example when QuEST says

"Worldwide the scriptures get me spotted on the atlas"

We plan to place a globe on to the actor with an arrow pointed to a certain part of the world in order to symbolise the performer having his place in the world.

As the beat changes in the song we we cut the video to match for example when the chorus plays we will show a kaleidoscope to go with the chilled music during the chorus and hopefully not to confuse the viewer by showing fast paced camera work whilst the music is very slow paced at the time.

We will use plenty of close up shots to get the viewers accustomed to the artist and also to work with the conventions of the Hip Hop genre's music videos as the artists tend to try to show themselves off in their videos.

Our video's main hook will be that our actor will be performing in front of a projector so that a video is playing on top of him and so the viewer will have two different things to watch.

We also plan to reference such Hip Hop videos as "Brooklyn Girls" by Charles Hamilton, in this video Charles Hamilton is seen wearing Monster Beat headphones by Dr. Dre throughout and we plan to do the same thing in our video.

Video Draft One

Thursday 11 November 2010

Shooting Schedule.

  • We began the shooting schedule for our music video on Monday 18th October in which Zack and Kojo organised to book the theatre with Mr Hitchingson. They then tested the clarity of the projector which was the key tool in regards to our video. When we sorted that out, Myself and Zack proceeded to take pictures and Kojo started editing for our first video draft.
  • Tuesday 19th October: We continued editing for our initial video. We also began making ideas toward improving the video concept and what we may change for the second draft.
  • Thursday the 21st October the editing for the first draft was completed and was uploaded onto YouTube.
  • Saturday the 23rd October we held a photo shoot in order to promote the video.
  • Wednesday the 27th October Marcus and I went out and took pictures of possible locations to use in the final version of the video.
  • Monday the 1st November we filmed footage that would be used for the images projected onto our actor in the final video.
  • Wednesday 3rd November we began to edit the footage that we planned to project and uploaded it to YouTube once it was completed.
  • Thursday 4th November Kojo and Zack went to collect the props whilst I and Marcus set up the filming equipment and projector in the school theatre. As a group we spent the whole day in the theatre filming the final version of our music video. I took care of the camera work and filming, Zack handled the the projection and lighting and Marcus handled the clothes & props that Kojo (our actor) would wear. We also filmed a Behind the Scenes video of our filming.
  • Friday 5th November we began editing of our final video.
  • Monday 8th November to Thursday 11th November Kojo edited the first two verses of our final version of the music video whilst Zack edited the Behind the Scenes video and uploaded it to YouTube. Myself, Marcus and Zack then continued editing the final video.
  • Friday 12th November Kojo completed the editing of the final video.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Samba Theory Look 2

As we began filming for our Second Draft, we decided to have a more Urban Look and dressed our actor in clothes which will be more evident in modern hip-hop videos, as we felt we didn't attract the target audience we initially wanted. We decided we should give him predominately black attire with Red highlights to match the "Beats By Dre" Headphones we used due to how they are a very popular product in Music Videos of all genres.