Sunday 14 November 2010

Survey Analysis

In order to gather a general view on our video I created a survey on the website of ten questions on the surveyors thoughts of the video. These ten questions were:
1. What was your view on the video?
2. Could you please explain why you think this?
3. Do you believe the video concept fits the genre?
4. If you could change something about the video, what would it be?
5. What do you prefer in a video?
6. Would you want to watch this video again?
7. If not, please tell me why.
8. Where could you see this video?
9. Do you think we should have had more actors in the video or more going on?
10. Any last words?

When I had gained a sufficient amount of replies from the public I was then able to collect them and analyse the replies to implement into the final music video.
In general, the video was very well received for a draft version, there were some negative views but they were backed up with reasons in order to help us create a much better viewing experience in the final video.
It was made clear that our video's progression was in the right direction however, it was not yet to every bodies tastes and they contributed their views to help us meet their expectations. With these results I have been able to create a breakdown of each question which I will go through.

Question 1.
For question one I asked what the general view of the video was, giving people five choices to choose from ranging from "Great!" to "Terrible!". A majority of the views were among the midpoint which was "Okay" with a small portion being split between "Great!" and "Good" this shows that the video was well received by the public.

Question 2.
For this questions we asked people to explain their views. Although the public generally liked the video, they did have complaints about the production quality, for example "Not in sync through the whole vid" this shows that the concept for the video was liked however, the quality of equipment and editing was not up to standard again.

Question 3.
I asked the public whether they believed the video fit in with the concept, to which the answer was unanimous: Yes.
This proves that the video fits perfectly within the genre and is appeasing to the public.

Question 4.
In this question I asked what people would like to change in the video. It appears that from the results that the viewers would have appreciated more variety in the video as they stated they would add more scenes or more people into it.

Question 5.
We asked the public whether they preferred Concept-Based videos, Narrative-Based videos or a mixture of both. A large majority answered Both and so we will take this knowledge into consideration when filming our final draft of the video.

Question 6.
I asked whether the public would want to watch this video again, generally the answer was Yes indicating that the video was enjoyable even for a first draft.

Question 7.
I asked the people who voted that they would not watch the video again whether they would give their reason as to why not, only one person answered saying "seen it once, seen it all". It would seem that this is that person's personal attitude and does not reflect on the actual video itself.

Question 8.
For this question I asked where the public could imagine seeing this video; a mainstream channel, an underground channel or the Internet. The vote was tied between a mainstream channel and the Internet which means the public believes that the video is good enough to be shown around the world on national television.

Question 9.
I asked the public whether we should have more going on in the video or not and the majority voted yes meaning that they may have thought that the video grew tedious.

Question 10.
For the final question we asked whether the public had anything else they would like to say that wasn't expressed in the other questions, most answered No however one person commented that Kojo fit the lead role well and that we should keep him in that position.

Overall, our video was well received by the public even managing to reach 2,900 views on YouTube. It would seem that the video only needs minor adjustments made to it in order to reach full completion but according to the public we are well on the way to reaching this.

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